I started photography in recent years. Formerly I liked hiking and mountaineering, especially hiking through “The Three Parallel Rivers”. As I was often touched by the fascinating scenery with multiple climates, an impulse of photo shooting arose in me. So from that time I picked up the camera. For more than five years, with this impulse and passion for photographic art, I have accumulated thousands of negatives after constant study and exploration. From those negatives I selected more than one hundred to compile this album named Between Heaven and Earth.
For publishing this album Between Heaven and Earth, my intimate friends have given me great help. Hereon I’d like to express my appreciation to Ren Qirui, Huang He, Gujing,Xia Changxiang,Liu Zhiping,Li Ling, Rong Xiaohong, Zheng Lili for their support and help.
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